‘FBI’: Zeeko Zaki Shows OA’s Heroic & Romantic Sides in Season 6

“After so much time off, It’s been extremely fun to be back on FBI,” says Zeeko Zaki, who plays dedicated and fearless New York special agent Omar Adam “OA” Zidan on the popular crime show.

All three shows in the franchise—including the spinoffs International and Most Wanted—kick off new seasons on Tuesday, February 13, starting at 8/7c. OA and the team’s first case of 2024: a bus explosion. Below, Zaki exclusively teases Season 6’s first few cases and OA’s surprising girlfriend.

Does OA get to do any big action scenes early on?

I do get to put on my action hero pants in the first couple of episodes. And in Episode 3, I have a cool maneuver when a suspect enters the room. I’m excited to see that on cameras.

Is there anything new in OA’s personal life this season?

There is definitely some romance in the air for OA starting in Episode 3. There’s a woman who’s at the other end of the spectrum from his last girlfriend, who was a lawyer. We’ll explore some other types of social circles in Manhattan and what they have to offer. It’s a fun and different type of relationship for OA. Of course, it has its ups and downs. I can’t say anything more about her yet.

What are some other stories coming up?

In the second episode, we enter into a storyline for [Assistant Special Agent in Charge] Jubal [Valentine, played by Jeremy Sisto]; it’s very family focused focusing on a kid about the age of his son, who had been kidnapped at one point.

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